Spine Research

Animal research and nutrition

About Spine Research

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Spine Research is a peer reviewed, open access journal. This Scholarly journal aims at spreading the new, relevant, and the most compelling developments in the field of Spine Research. Spine Research is the best scientific open access journal that provides a right platform for researchers to publish their valuable work as research articles, review articles, case reports, commentaries, and short communications.

Spine Research publishes articles that cover all aspects of spinal cord and focussing on topics includes spinal disorders, spine surgery, scoliosis, spinal stenosis, biomechanics of spine, spinal tumor, disc degeneration, spinal injuries & fractures, etc.

Spine Research operates through Editorial Manager System for online manuscript submission, review and processing. Editorial board members of the journal or outside experts review the submitted manuscripts; at least two independent reviewer’s approval followed by the editor for the acceptance of any citable manuscript.

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Laminectomy is a surgery that creates space by removing lamina. Lamina is a part of vertebra bone. This is done to treat spinal stenosis. This laminectomy is used to remove bones and damaged disks. Thus provides more empty space for spinal nerve and column. There are many risks in this surgery like infection in wounds or vertebral bones, damage to a spinal nerve, weakness, pain and return of back pain in future is possible.

Related Journals of Laminectomy
Spine, Spine and Nuerosurgery, Spine Research, Pain and Relief, Pain Management & Medicine, International Journal of Laminectomy, Archives of Laminectomy, Review on Laminectomy, Lumbar Spinal Stenosis- The Decompressive Laminectomy


Spondylosis is defined as a degenerative osteoarthritis of the joints between the center of spinal vertebrae and/or neural foramina. If severe it causes pressure on nerve roots with sensory and/or motor disturbances.  Spondylosis can affect people depending on age. Treatment is usually done with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and physical therapy. Spondylosis can occur in the cervical spine (neck), thoracic spine (upper and mid back), or lumbar spine (low back). Lumbar spondylosis and cervical spondylosis are the most common. Thoracic spondylosis frequently does not cause symptoms. Lumbosacral spondylosis is spondylosis which affects both the lumbar spine and the sacral spine (below the lumbar spine, in the midline between the buttocks). Multilevel spondylosis means that these changes affect multiple vertebrae in the spine.

Related Journals of Spondylosis :
Orthopedic Oncology,  Orthodontics & Endodontics, Orthopedic & Muscular System : Current Research, Novel Physiotherapies, Pain & Relief Overview of Cervical Spondylosis Pathophysiology and Biomechanics , The journal of bone and joint surgery, Some Aspects Of cervical Spondylosis.


Kyphoplasty is used to treat painful compression fractures in the spine. Compression fracture is where all or part of a spine bone collapses. Compression fractures are caused due to thinning of your bones or osteoporosis. Kyphoplasty is recommended if the patients have severe and disabling pain for 2 months and doesn’t get reduced with medicines and physical therapy. Kyphoplasty includes complications like bleeding, infection, allergic reactions to medicines, breathing or heart problems.

Related journals of kyphoplasty:

Pain and ReliefPain Management & MedicineSpineSpine and NuerosurgerySpine Research, ACS Chemical Neuroscience, Acta Biologica Hungarica, Acta endocrinology, Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis.


It’s a pain in back that originates from muscles, bones, joints or other structures of spine. It may be acute or chronic. It may be constant or intermittent. Pain may radiate into hands, arms, legs or feet. there are several causes like muscle strains, muscle spasm, muscle imbalances spinal disc herniation, degenerative disc diseases, osteoarthritis, lumbar spinal stenosis, trauma, cancer, infection, fractures and inflammatory diseases. Treatment is done by surgery or medicines or electrical stimulation by transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, acupuncture.

Related new journals of Back ache :

Spine and NuerosurgerySpine ResearchPain and ReliefPain Management & MedicineSpine, Basal Ganglia, Basic and Clinical neuroscience, Behavioral and Brain Functions, Behavioral and Brain Sciences


Scoliosis is abnormal sideways curvature of spine. It is caused by congenital, developmental or degenerative problems. Scoliosis develops in the thoracic spine or thoracolumbar area of spine. Scoliosis surgery is used to treat severe scoliosis. Surgery is done to straight the spine. Surgery is used to stabilize the spine. Surgery is done by attaching rods to the spine and doing spinal fusion or instrumentation without fusion (attaches devices such as metal rods to the spine to stabilize without fusing).Treatment- it is treated with medications, surgery and alternative medicines. Medication includes analgesics (poo) NSAIDs and there is a use of opioids and muscle relaxants. Surgery involves removal of part of the disk, which is known as discectomy. Alternative medicine suggests that spinal manipulation is affective in auto sciatica and poor in chronic sciatica.

Related journals of Scoliosis : 

Spine ResearchPain Management & MedicineSpineSpine and NuerosurgeryPain and ReliefSpine, Annals of Neurology, Annals of Neurosciences, Annual Review of Cyber Therapy and Telemedicine, Annual Review of Neuroscience

Sciatic Nerve

It is also called as ischiadic nerve. It begins in lower back and runs through the buttock and down the lower limb. It is the largest nerve in the body. It provides connection to nervous system. Sciatic nerve pain- pain is due to compression or irritation of the nerve. Pain is also caused by lumbar spinal stenosis, degenerative disc diseases, spondylolisthesis and pregnancy. Sciatic nerve treatment- treatment relieves pressure and inflammation. Treatment includes: medical treatment (anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen, or oral steroids), epidural steroid injections (with strong anti-inflammatory effects delivered at origin of nerve roots), physiotherapy, surgery and acupuncture. Sciatic nerve exercises- exercises depends on the severity of sciatic nerve. Sciatic nerve pain relief treatment- pain is relieved by using medications or by surgeries.

Related Journals of Sciatic Nerve :

Pain Management & MedicineSpine Spine and NuerosurgerySpine ResearchPain and ReliefBiological Psychiarity, Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures, Behavioural Process, Behavioural Neurology

Neck Sprain

Neck Sprain- the cervical vertebrae are connected to each other by ligament and muscles. A sprain or tear can occur in one or more of these soft tissues when a sudden movement occurs, such as a hard fall or motor vehicle collision causes the neck to bend to an extreme position. Symptoms are like pain, muscle spasms, headache, sore throat, increase irritability, fatigue, difficult sleeping, and neck stiffness, numbness in arm or hand. It is treated by pain relievers such as aspirin or ibuprofen, muscle relaxants help in ease spasms and other treatments are massaging, ultrasound, cervical traction and aerobic and isometric exercise.

Related Journals of Neck Sprain :

Spine ResearchPain and ReliefPain Management & MedicineSpineSpine and NuerosurgeryAdvances in Child Devolopement Behaviour, Advances in Neuroimmune Biology, Advances in the Study of Behavior, African Journal of Nuerological Sciences

Lower Back Surgery

There are several types of back surgery. Types of surgery include: discectomy, percutaneous discectomy, laminectomy for spinal stenosis, kyphoplasty, vertebroplasty, surgeries for tumors and infection and spine fusion. Deciding when to see a spine surgeon for possible low back surgery is also somewhat dependent on the type of surgery that is being considered. If a surgical procedure is more involved and there is a prolonged healing time (e.g. lumbar fusion), then a more concerted effort at conservative (non-surgical) treatment is probably reasonable. The following outlines a few common types of spine surgery and the condition and symptoms that they treat.

Related journals of Lower Back Surgery:

Pain and ReliefPain Management & MedicineSpineSpine and NuerosurgerySpine Research, Avant, Autism Research, Behaviour, ASN Neuro


Articles published in Spine Research have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Spine Research has got h-index 6, which means every article in Spine Research has got 6 average citations.

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